Das “Advanced cross-river capacities for trade” project, finanziert durch Schweden und implementiert von UNDP organisiert das MOLDOVA TRADE FORUM 2021, welches am 28-30 of April 2021, on-line stattfindet. Weitere Details in Englisch The Moldova Trade Forum aims at adopting a broad dialogue with the participation of all relevant authorities (governmental sector, private sector, international donor organizations, think thanks and academia) on global trends in trade and recovery recommendations for companies affected by COVID-19. The forum will continue with two days of match-making sessions, which will bring together buyers from a large number of European countries with Moldovan suppliers. Individual B2B sessions will be arranged in advance by means of on-line platform https://moldova-trade-forum.b2match.io/home. We would highly appreciate if you could participate at the event and disseminate through your networks, as well as to your country organizations to reach the business community which might be interested in establishing mutually beneficial partnerships with Moldovan companies. For any other details related to the event, please feel free to contact the Project Manager at the flowing email address: dumitru.udrea@undp.org or at phone number (+373) 022 221391. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Best regards, Embassy of Sweden to Moldova